I'm Glad You Asked!

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60 Common Questions Catholics Have About the Bible

Author: Pierce, Mark R.
Publisher: Saint Mary's Press Pages: 0
Binding: Paperback
Code: 3459 Series: 13.75
Questions are good. Teens of every age have many questions about the faith, not just what they believe and why they believe it, but about where to even start. Whether the questions are their own or are raised by their peers, Fr. Mark Pierce offers clear, clever, and trustworthy answers. The questions and answers are organized around three common topics: Basic questions about reading the Bible Questions about hard-to-understand Scripture passages Questions your non-Catholic friends have about the Catholic faith Questions include With so many kinds of Bibles, how do I choose one? Did Jesus have brothers and sisters? Where can I learn more about the Bible or about how to explain my Catholic faith? Where in the Bible do we fi nd the Church's teachings on specific issues? Are we justifi ed by faith or by works? Are Catholics 'born again'? Why do Catholics pray to Mary? and many more!