Christian Moral Life: A Primary Source Reader

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Author: Nunes, Ann
Publisher: Saint Mary's Press Pages: 250
Binding: Paperback
Code: 1363

Christian morality is synonymous with life in Christ. We are to love God with our whole being and to love others as Jesus loves us, because God created all of us in his image and wants us to love one another as he loves us. The Christian moral life is defined by being in loving relationships and by living our lives in response to the teachings of Jesus.

The collection of readings in Christian Moral Life A Primary Source Reader aims to help you learn the moral concepts and teachings that guide us to live our lives as disciples of Christ.

Within this reader you will find writings from the following sources:

  • Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
  • Saint Basil the Great
  • Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
  • Saint Thomas More
  • Saint Teresa of Ávila
  • Richard M. Gula, SS
  • Blessed John Paul II
  • Saint John Vianney
  • Saint Francis of Assisi
  • Julian of Norwich
  • Saint Patrick
  • Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

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