Wing Tip

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Author: Boas, Sherry Year: 2012
Publisher: Caritas Press Pages: 272
Binding: Paperback

Compelling Catholic Fiction!

Dante De Luz's steel was forged in his youth, in the crucible of harsh losses and triumphant love. But that steel gets tested like never before as the revelation of a family secret presents the young Catholic priest with the toughest challenge of his life, with stakes that couldn't get any higher.

Sherry Boas holds a B.S. in journalism from Arizona State University and wrote for a daily newspaper for ten years. Although she won numerous awards as a journalist, it was her vocation as a mother that would best prepare her for an author's career. For her, truth resounds in the struggles and triumphs of every-day family life. And fiction, although made up, must still be true.

Sherry has a passion for truth and is picky about little else. Except, of course, how her coffee is grown, harvested, roasted, ground, stored and brewed. She places such a high value on friendship, however, that she will drink even a bad cup of coffee with a good friend.

Sherry and her husband, Phil, are the joyful adoptive parents of four warm-hearted and highly-adrenalized human beings, who make life rich beyond belief. They live in Arizona.