Theology of the Body: Some Thoughts and Reflections

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Author: Doyle, Karen
Publisher: Pauline Books & Media Pages: 96
Binding: Paperback
Code: 74272

Throughout history, human beings have always asked fundamental questions about life and destiny, such as "Who am I?" and "What is love?" Modern culture attempts to answer these questions by promoting the pursuit of sexual pleasure as the answer for our yearning for intimacy. The tragedy is that after fleeting sexual encounters people often find themselves feeling hurt and unfulfilled. This is an introduction for the person who wants the real answer, which lies in the teaching of John Paul II: understanding the significance of our bodies as male and female and how the physical, embodied reality of our gender reveals spiritual truths about God and the meaning of life.

Great for one's own personal development in the area of sexuality and meaning, but perfect as a gift for graduation, weddings, and anniversaries, really for anyone you care about and who hasn't yet encountered the message of the sacredness of who we are and how we are created as male and female.