The Valley Way of Soul

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Melancholy, Poetry and Soul-Making

Author: del Nevo, Matthew
Publisher: St Pauls Publications Australia Pages: 187
Binding: Paperback

Spirituality is about fire and light, purity and will. Melancholy is more about mist and rain, the softness and intimacy of dusk. Melancholy is the middle way, the valley way, to authentic spirituality.

Too little is made in our time of that sweet and pensive mood called 'melancholy'. Without a capacity for melancholy, we cannot apprehend beauty or connect with soul. Lacking this connection, we might be self-actualising, self-developing, outwardly happy, but we might also be leaking soul badly.

One of the best ways to get soulful is through music and poetry. Poetry is not just the music of language but the language of music. A simple poem can stir the imagination of the heart and bring musicality back to the mundane events of life.

This book introduces us into an enriching creative sense of life that great artists have always known and expressed but which, for a whole variety of reasons, is lost to increasing numbers of people today.

MATTHEW DEL NEVO was born during a snowstorm on a winter’s night in a medieval university town in England and grew up there. Seeking new skies Matthew lived in Jerusalem and latterly in Sydney, Australia. Today Matthew works in education in order to support his love for literature and the silence and solitude that is complicit with it.


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