Servants of the Word - Homilies for Cycle B

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Author: Wostyn, CICM, Fr Lode
Publisher: St Pauls Manila Philippines Pages: 256
Binding: Paperback

The publication of the SERVANTS OF THE WORD, Homilies for Cycle B (forty-one Sunday homilies Cycle B, 2011-2012) of Fr. Lode Wostyn, CICM is timely. These homilies have been locked up long enough in Fr. Lode’s private file. They were first given to the Sunday Mass goers of the chapel of Queen of Peace Convent in Quezon City. Now is the time indeed for these homilies to be available to a wider public, the “agents of evangelization”: for the CBCP members, priests, and religious to the lay leaders of the BEC’s in “every area of life where the need is great for a creative evangelical response to a changing world.” Printing these homilies is laudable, coinciding as it does with Pope Francis’ strong and often repeated appeal for the entire Church to go out and bring the message of Jesus to the world. And these homilies are a fitting response to his clarion call.

November 10, 2013

About the Author

 LODE WOSTYN, CICM, was bron in Belgium. After studies in biology at the University of Louvain, he studied theology which was concluded with a Doctorate of Theology at the Facultes Catholiques de Lyon, France. He was assigned to the Philippine CICM Province in 1969 and started teaching courses of theology in 1970 at San Carlos Seminary and then at Maryhill School of Theology (1972-1995) and other theological schools in the Manila area.
While teaching, he published several books, his latest being In Search of a Human Jesus and a Human Church (2010). From 1995 to 2002, he was assigned in Baguio City where he was the director of the Institute of Philosophy and Religion. During this period, he edited four workbooks for the religion courses in college. As a graduate of the “Care Through Touch Institute” (Berkeley, 1993), he also teaches massage courses to groups of Visually Impaired People (VIPS). He has been a regular homilist during Sunday Masses in several parishes in the Manila area. Back in Manila in 2002, he was a resident professor at the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA), while also teaching at St. Vincent School of Theology (SVST). During this period, he celebrated the EUCHARIST and was the homilist at the Queen of Peace Convent of the ICM sisters (Banawe St., Quezon City). He returned to Maryhill School of Theology in 2012 and is at present its Dean.