Managing Your Time, Energy and Talent in Ministry

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Author: Flanagan, Patrick J.
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 0
Binding: Paperback


Erma Bombeck once wrote, "When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that not one single bit of talent is left, and I could say, 'I have used everything You gave me.'" To use as effectively as possible the time, talents and energy we have been given by God is what this book is all about. Time is short, our obligations are many, the needs of those we serve are often serious and urgent. How we juggle these disparate elements of our lives in such a way that we don't burn out in the process but are rather enriched ourselves in the ministry we perform is very important. The author calls upon his many years of involvement in management and ministry to provide the helpful advice found in these pages. May all those involved in ministry of any kind find herein the enlightenment and encouragement they seek.