Healing: Questions and Answers for Those Who Mourn

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Author: Curley, D.Min., Fr Terence P. Year: 2002
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 109
Binding: Paperback
Code: 0905-6
Dimension: 148 x 209

This book was written for those who are experiencing the suffering which stems from the loss of a loved one. It was felt that by using a question-answer technique, the kind of brief explanation one needs at such a time could be provided more effectively. This work looks at the initial phase of loss (the time of the death, funeral and period immediately following), the transitional phase (a period of approximately two to three months in which one tries to sort out what has happened), and the final phase (the period of readjustment and reintegration into society). The emphasis throughout is on the spiritual needs that must be met and the comfort that comes from a deep personal relationship with the Lord when we suffer the loss of a loved one.