Catholic Connections: Religion Coordinator Manual

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School Edition

Author: Shahin, Gloria Year: 2010
Publisher: Saint Mary's Press Pages: 88
Binding: Special
Code: 10009 Series: 24.95

This manual will help you organize and oversee the religion education classes developed around The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers.

The manual provides a variety of scheduling options for course selection and for different numbers of classes per week to help in planning the year’s curriculum.

In chapter 3, you will find extensive orientation on the place of catechesis in the mission of the Catholic home, community, parish, and school, and opportunities for apprenticeship, while chapter 4 provides concrete examples of ways the school religion program can be integrated with other subject areas.

The five appendices will provide you with a convenient way to share information with others:

  • Appendix A describes opportunities for developing a truly Catholic learning community.
  • Appendix B provides overviews of the six courses and the testing and activity resources.
  • Appendix C provides tip sheets for catechists and parents on various topics related to the faith formation of young adolescents.
  • Appendix D provides prayer services for various occasions.
  • Appendix Eoffers a bibliography of reference materials for teachers.

    Using this manual as a resource will help you run highly effective middle-school religious education classes built on the Catholic Connections program.
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