From Noon to Sunset

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A Spiritual Journey from Midlife to Retirement

Author: De Nazareno, Jose Maria
Publisher: St Pauls Manila Philippines Pages: 167
Binding: Paperback

 FROM NOON TO SUNSET - A Spiritual Journal from midlife to Retirement

WHAT IS MIDLIFE from the vantage point of a priest? As you flip the pages of Fr. Jose Maria de Nazareno´s From Noon to Sunset, you will gain deep insights into the midlife journey of a number of personalitiesa missionary priest, an activist, a retired judge, a military man, a contemplative nun, and, most especially, his own,. It is interesting that Fr. de Nazareno reflects on one´s midlife passage not only from the perspective of personal data and psychology but also spirituality, one´s journey towards God. In fact, somewhere in this pages, he writes: "The aridity of midlife failures and feelings of uselessness, in the light of faith, are necessary tools to soften hardened hearts unable and unwilling to do God´s will."
I am certain that this book will help readers discover the beautiful story of the noontime and sunset of their lives eventually leading to our ultimate union with God, our final destiny. Congratulations, Fr. de Nazareno, for being a particle of light to guide us as we tread the critical road we take in the second half life.

Most Rev. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, DD, MA, SthD