Fit for Mission? Church

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Being Catholic Today

Author: O'Donoghue, Bishop Patrick Year: 2009
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK Pages: 104
Binding: A4 Paperback
Code: DO795
Dimension: 210 x 297



Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue has written Fit for Mission? Church to foster and promote an authentic Catholic identity among the men, women and children of the 21st century, to enable them to resist the pressures to compromise, even abandon, the truths of the Catholic faith. To that end the Bishop offers practical guidance on how to correctly interpret and live out the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, through challenging the common misinterpretations of the key Council documents on Liturgy, Revelation, the Church, and the Church in the world. He takes an unflinching look at the hard questions that have arisen since the close of the Second Vatican Council, convinced that if we regain the Catholic sense of balancing change with continuity, the life of parishes will be energised by the gifts of the Holy Spirit given at the Council.

This expanded edition draws on Pope Benedict XVI's addresses and homilies in 2008 at World Youth Day and during his apostolic journey to France; also the writings of John Henry Newman, and others. Fit for Mission? Church is the sequel to the highly acclaimed Fit for Mission? Schools (2008) - also available from the Catholic Truth Society (Do 779).

Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue is the Bishop of Lancaster, former Rector of Allen Hall Seminary (1985-90), and Administrator of Westminster Cathedral (1990-1993).