Fioretti - The Little Flowers of Pope Francis

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Heartwarming Stories of the Gospel in Action

Author: Tornielli, Andrea
Publisher: Ignatius Press Pages: 185
Binding: Hardcover
Code: LFPF-H
Dimension: 203 x 133

Read a sample chapter here.

Andrea Tornielli, the foremost "Vatican Insider" journalist, offers inspiring stories, incidents, encounters, and excerpts from the writings and talks of Pope Francis through his first year as Pope.

These "little flowers" add up to a powerful witness by Pope Francis of "heartwarming stories of the Gospel in action", and they refl ect on various spiritual and social themes important to the Pope: mercy, forgiveness, charity, prayer, justice, the Eucharist, Our Lady, and much more. The title echoes the Little Flowers of Saint Francis, the famous collection of stories about the beloved Francis of Assisi, whose name the Pope adopted for himself.

The Pope's little gestures and big ones, the minor or major choices he has made each day, his ability to meet everyone and to speak to everyone, his simple way of being himself— these things have made Francis not only credible but, above all, close. The Pope is perceived by many, many people throughout the world as "one of us". Seeing him embrace the sick, the suffering, and the children, one understands why this is so.

Fioretti offers a wonderful collection of insightful fragments from various aspects of the life of the Pope in his first year that will help the reader become better acquainted with the immensely popular Bishop of Rome who, as the first South American pope, came "from the end of the earth".

Andrea Tornielli is a Vatican correspondent for the highly regarded Italian newspaper La Stampa who has collaborated with numerous Italian and international publications. His numerous books include Francis - Pope of a New WorldPius XII, the Pope of the JewsPope Luciani: the Smile of a SaintThe Pope Who Saved the JewsBenedict XVI, Guardian of the FaithThe Secret of Padre Pio.

Praise for Fioretti:

"Pope Francis is a man with an extraordinary eye for beauty hidden in the ordinary; for seeing the smile of God in the simple, the practical, and the everyday course of human affairs. Andrea Tornielli has created a wonderful little volume that captures this Pope's heart and thinking perfectly."
- Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia

"Most people have come to know Pope Francis only through the lens of the mainstream media. Thanks to Andrea Tornielli's inspiring work, the heart of the Holy Father is revealed through personal stories and previously unknown anecdotes. As you will see, Pope Francis truly has the heart of a shepherd, who like Christ, has come to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."
- Jason Evert, Author, Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves

"What a perfectly delightful and revealing gift this book is. This collection should be at hand with other daily spiritual reminders that life-altering, history shaping faith is not primarily about doing something as much as it's about encountering someone: Jesus Christ. Francis constantly facilitates that encounter, and Fioretti provides a path strewn with budding examples of how we can follow, and invite others along the way."
- Sheila Liaugminas, Radio Host, Author, Non-Negotiable

"Almost a thousand years ago, God commanded St. Francis to 'Rebuild my Church.' And through a collection of stories, sayings, and colorful anecdotes--the original Little Flowers--we discovered how he did it. Andrea Tornielli introduces those same flowery scents, hints of the aroma of Christ, wafting throughout Pope Francis' first year. His new book is full of memorable anecdotes and insightful reflections, which will help you sense the fragrance of this new Francis."
- Brandon Vogt, Author, Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World