Feasts of Our Lady CD (Gregorian Chant)

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Author: The Monastic Choir of St. Peter's Abbey of Solesme
Publisher: Paraclete Press
Binding: CD-ROM
Two Masses of Our Lady plus the four Antiphons to the Holy Virgin in both Solemn and Simple tones celebrate the humble maiden whom all generations call Blessed.

     Track 1-Introit     Salve
     Track 2-Gradual     Benedicta
     Track 3-Alleluia     Virga Jesse
     Track 4-Sequence     Ave Maria
     Track 5-Offertory     Beata Es
     Track 6-Communion     Beata Viscera
     Track 7-Antiphon     Alma
     Track 8-Antiphon     Regina Caeli
     Track 9-Antiphon     Ave Regina Caelorum
     Track 10-Antiphon     Salve Regina
     Track 11-Introit     Vultum Tuum
     Track 12-Kyrie IX
     Track 13-Gloria IX
     Track 14-Gradual
     Track 15-Alleluia     Ave Maria
     Track 16-Offertory     Recordare
     Track 17-Communion     Diffusa Est
     Track 18-Antiphon      Salve Regina
     Track 19-Antiphon     Ave Regina Caelorum
     Track 21-Antiphon     Regina Caeli




“the most famous and ‘authentic’ recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.”   —The Boston Globe

“The music is utterly magnificent and the singing of this great choir is thrilling beyond words…it’s better to starve to this music than to live without it.”   —Classic CD

“Supremely ethereal.”  —USA Today

“Solesmes sets the standard for Gregorian chant performance.”  —American Record Guide