Come and See: How the Teachings of the Catholic Church Lead Us to Christ

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How the Teachings of the Catholic Church Lead Us to Christ

Author: Bosco, Louis
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 198
Binding: Paperback

Jesus Christ is the most influential man who ever lived. But do you really know Him? many will answer "Yes" to this question. yet, given the various conflicting opinions today about Jesus and His teachings, it is clear that many people have incomplete or false perceptions about Him. It is the premise of Come and See that the Catholic Church holds the key to discovering the truth about Him. This book demonstrate the Christ-centeredness of the Church's teachings, the way in which those teaching bring us closer to Jesus. When the disciples ask where the Lord is staying, He replies simple, " Come and See" (John 1:39). this bbok extends the same invitation to all who wish to draw closer to Him and feel called to seriously investigate the teachings, this book will help the reader go beyond merely knowing what the church teaches to understanding why she teaches it, and how her doctrines really do bring us closer to Jesus.