Calvary Through the Eyes of Mary

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Author: Pepper, Helen Year: 2018
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK Pages: 48
Binding: A6 Paperback
Code: D827
Dimension: 105 x 148

It has been a Catholic tradition through the centuries to meditate on the Stations of the Cross so that it becomes our way of life. Mary, the Mother of Jesus, made that first way of the cross. The stations in this booklet present that viewpoint.

Stopping with Mary at each of the fourteen locations that mark events in the final days of Jesus’s life, we share her sentiments and bear witness to her sorrow as she suffers alongside her son.

As we go deeper into her suffering we will come out of this spiritual journey with a deeper love for Mary, a greater appreciation of what her son did for us, and find an example of how to take up our own cross to follow Christ in a spirit of total love.