Worry: A Journey in Exodus

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Author: Reeves, Shawn Christopher
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 125
Binding: Paperback

There are very few books that describe why we worry, why we find it so hard to stop worrying, and how we can go about expelling worry from our daily lives. This book attempts to do just that by taking the reader on a prayerful journey through the Book of Exodus to discover not only what the true nature of worry is, but also the kinds of things that draw us away from anxiety into a closer union with Christ in peace. It is hoped that in these reflections on the events in the lives of the Hebrews in Exodus, the reader will find a deeper faith and hope in God’s power, knowledge and goodness.


About the Author: Shawn Christopher Reeves is a 1999 graduate of the University of Illinois (B.A. in English with a History Minor) where he serves as the Director of Religious Education at Newman Foundation on the campus. He is presently working toward completion of an M.A. in Theology and Christian Ministry through Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio and has twice appeared on the EWTN television show, The Journey Home.