Why the Risen Jesus Matters

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Author: Charles Waddell
Publisher: St Pauls Publications Australia Pages: 114
Binding: A5 Paperback


Father Charles Waddell takes the reader on a reflective journey revealing parallels between the writings of the Gospels and everyday modern life. Through wonderful vignettes from the writer’s personal story, this beautiful, warm and inspiring book gives readers cause to pause, remember and celebrate the many blessings received in their own lives. Why the Risen Jesus Matters is a blessing in itself, one that really matters. I thoroughly recommend it to anyone in need of spiritual renewal or uplifting.

Simone MickeGeneral Secretary, Council of Churches of Western Australia


The resurrection of Jesus is a meta-narrative that redeems our personal story, no matter what is happening to us on a given day. Charles Waddell’s Why the Risen Jesus Matters is a wonderful, practical guide teaching us how to set our own story inside the greatest narrative of all, the resurrection of Jesus. This book is a beautifully articulated spirituality of the resurrection that can help us press the reset button in our lives. 

Ronald Rolheiser, Oblate School of TheologySan Antonio, Texas 


Why the Risen Jesus Matters is about how we experience and encounter the risen Jesus in our lives. It presents a kaleidoscope of different portraits of the risen Jesus at work in the world. I found myself creating my own adventure by reflecting on how the risen Jesus has impacted the lives of others, and in turn, how the risen Jesus is transforming my own life. The author is to be commended on this highly relevant and accessible book. 

Dr Zachariah Duke, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, Australian Catholic University President, Association of Practical Theology in Oceania


Charles Waddell is a priest of the Archdiocese of Perth and a Sessional Lecturer in Ecclesiology and Christology, at BBI – The Australian Institute of Theological Education, a member institute of the Sydney College of Divinity.


Also available as an eBook
