What God Has Joined: A Catholic Teaching on Marriage

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Author: Vann, Bishop Kevin W.
Publisher: Basilica Press Pages: 65
Binding: Paperback
Code: BP3021

Part of The Shepherd’s Voice Series – The Shepherd’s Voice Series brings you the current teaching of Bishops and Cardinals on vital topics facing the Catholic Church today.

In this incredibly pastoral book, Bishop Kevin W. Vann explains what every Catholic needs to know about the Church’s teachings on marriage. He helps Catholics approach this vital sacrament as they should and enables them to sort out the often confusing issues surrounding Matrimony as a time when values seem to change by the day. This booklet is essential for engaged couples, married couples, single laypersons, priests, and religious.

You will find clear answers to such questions as:

• What is the purpose of marriage?
•  Why does the Church teach that marriage is for life?
•  Why does the Church teach that marriage is a sacrament?
•  Isn’t NFP just Catholic birth control?
•  Why is marriage only possible between a man and a woman?
•  How can spouses help each other become saints? 

This easy-to-read, practical guide to marriage will benefit all readers by helping them grow in appreciation for this beautiful sacrament.