Under the Gaze of the Father

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Author: Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita) Year: 2011
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 218
Binding: Paperback
Dimension: 210 x 140

The mystical incarnation may be compared to the indwelling of Jesus in Mary from the moment of His conception in her womb. The Lord had raised Mary to a level of holiness and closeness to Him never to be equalled by any other human being. The mystical incarnation which Conchita experienced on March 25, 1906 elevated her to a level of holiness and closeness to Jesus afforded to very few. This specific grace is rooted in the sacrament of baptism and constitutes for all Christians an invitation to live our their baptismal commitment at an ever deeper level. These meditations and Conchita's reflections on them go into detail about this new spiritual dimension and the demands it makes on the individual so blessed. Conchita's total submission to her unique grace sets an example for all who want to follow Christ more closely. Declared Venerable by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on December 20, 1999, she is a bright star in the firmament of the Church's mystics.