Towards the Promised Land

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Author: Enza Di Franco Russo Year: 2019
Publisher: St Pauls Publications Australia Pages: 96
Binding: Paperback
Series: 978-1-925494-42-6 - Royalty to author

Towards the Promised Land is a collection of short stories, poems and personal reflections based on the real-life experience of the author, Enza Di Franco Russo, and the people who have shared her journey.

She tells the story of her spiritual journey towards God and wholeness, from her childhood years in Italy to her later years in Australia. Her journey reflects that of many migrants as well as the People of God in the Scriptures. It is from these Sacred Texts that she gains nourishment and insight for her own journey.

Her story reveals that God, who is our final destination, is also with us and for us on every stage of our human journey towards the Promised Land.


Enza Di Franco was born in Casamicciola, a municipality on the Italian Island of Ischia, in 1939. She was named Vincenza, after her paternal grandmother, but was called Enza.

On 11 May 1956, with her mother and siblings (Concetta and Serafino), Enza departed from Naples, on the S.S. Oceania, bound for Sydney, Australia. Arriving in Sydney they were greeted by her father, Benigno Di Franco, who had migrated here in 1952.

On 6 September 1964 Enza married Gaetano Russo. They have three children Stephen, Carlo and Melinda, and seven grandchildren. In 2019, they celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary.

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