The Watchful Hour

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A Scriptural Companion to Eucharistic Adoration

Author: Racine, Fr Florian Year: 2017
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society
Binding: A6 Paperback
Code: D823

“God cannot give us a greater gift than that of the Eucharist.”

This Companion presents what the Eucharist is, what is fulfilled in the Holy Mass, what Communion and adoration are, and why and how to enter into adoration ‘‘in spirit and truth’’.

Through Scripture, Church teaching and the works of the saints we discover that in adoring the Son, we are driven towards the Father to receive the Holy Spirit and, therefore, we become true disciples.

Split into twenty stages, adorers can reflect on one stage at a time during or after the weekly hour of adoration.

This Companion acts as a school of adoration offered to every believer.