The Sacrament of Confirmation (Didache): A Complete Preparation Course

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Author: Socias James
Publisher: Midwest Theological Forum Pages: 282
Binding: Paperback
Code: 31734
Dimension: 8.5 x 11

The Sacrament of Confirmation presents a thorough preparation of the celebration of Confirmation for Grades 7 to 9.  This new textbook will help guide the confirmand through prayer, discernment, and a deeper conversion of the faith.  Each chapter includes tools—various exercises and activities—designed to help foster meaningful discussion with the confirmand’s parents and sponsor during this preparation. 

Chapters include:

  • Key references from Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Practical exercises, activities, study questions, vocabulary
  • Specific themes and ideas for reflection, discussion, and activities with Parents and Sponsor 
  • Full-color Christian art, highlights of the lives of Saints and Blesseds