The Meaning of Lent Pack of 50 Leaflets

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Author: Millico, Fr Ivano Year: 2017
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK Pages: 16
Binding: A6 LF of 50
Code: LF76 Series: Pack of 50
Dimension: 105 x 148

Lent is more than forty days of repentance. Lent is a journey full of meanings and graces, projecting us to the joy of Pentecost, passing through the waters of Baptism at Easter. By reflecting on our baptism, the dialogue of faith and the Gospel 'scrutinies', our Lenten journey takes on a new dimension, and so does our prayer, fasting and almsgiving, as we experience the joy of passing from death to life, from slavery to freedom in Christ Jesus.

Pack of 50 Leaflets (Also available as individual leaflets)

Each Leaflet 16 pages