The Life And Revelations Of Anne Catherine Emmerich - Volume 1, The

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Volume 1

Author: Schmoger Carl E
Binding: Paperback
Series: TAN


Beatified in 2004 by Saint John Paul II, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich stands as a staunch sign of contradiction to the modern world's misguided rationalism and disbelief. She lived at a time when the Church was under complete temporal assault, with impiety on the rise and political losses abounding, all of which made her life of suffering, piety, and special graces all the more potent.


Recorded by Fr. Carl E. Schmoeger in the latter half of the 1800s, The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich shows the virtues of this pious nun, which far exceed the visions, revelations, and stigmata she received. Here is the story of a classically holy Bride of Christ: she was sickly, zealous, and extremely charitable; she lacked any self-interest, which made it all the more difficult for her when her visions and supernatural sufferings became public knowledge. Her divine favors, wondrously recounted in this biography, included visions of the lives of Our Lord and Our Lady, as well as the stigmata and other wounds of grace.


As the cause for her beatification noted, however, what was most of value in her life was not these unusual graces, but her personal sanctity. Her humility, piety, and faithful love of Our Lord and Our Lady cannot be but the true marks of sanctity, more than any wounds in her hands or feet. Let these be the elements of Anne Catherine Emmerich's catechesis to you; let her show you how you too can love and long for the company of Jesus and Mary as she did.


Note: This is the 1st volume in a 2-volume set of The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich.