The Collected Works of Saint Teresa of Avila Volume 1

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Includes The Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies

Author: Kavanaugh, Kieran & Rodriguez, Otilio
Publisher: ICS Publications Pages: 420
Binding: Paperback
Code: ICS-TA1

Includes The Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies

Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD
and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD 

This is the second edition of volume One of The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, first woman doctor of the church. The translators have taken full advantage of all that recent scholarship has contributed to a better understanding of Teresa and her writings. This volume includes her first major work, The Book of Her Life, and two of her shorter works, the Spiritual Testimonies and the Soliloquies. Clear and contemporary, this rendering captures Teresa's spirit while remaining faithful to her thought. Includes general and biblical index.

  • ICS code: ICS-TA1
  • Format: paperback
  • Pages: 420
  • ISBN: 978-0-960087-62-4