Sunday and Feastday Sermons

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Cycles A, B and C

Author: Letellier, Rev. Robert Year: 2011
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 288
Binding: Paperback
Code: 1331-0

"Your word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105). The living word of God is at the heart of our life of faith today, just as it has been thoughout salvation history. If we let it, it will illumine our lives, accompanying and guiding us in our joys, sorrows and perplexities. There is always something to be found in the word of God to teach and encourage us, to help us in following the path of faith.

 This collection of homilies provides a concise commentary on the Liturgy of the Word according to the three year cycle (ABC) of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. The aim is to open up the heart of the Scriptural teaching in the context of reflection or worship, to draw out the ideas implicit in the readings chosen for the Missal -- a breaking open and sharing of the Word of God.

          The format follows each liturgical year according to the Sundays of its seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time), with the special solemnities and unchanging major feast of the year added to the first (A) section. These homilies seek to address many needs, always trying to convey the hope of salvation in Jesus Christ -- the Way he provides, the Path he illumines, and the life-affirming liberty and truth he brings to all men and women.