St Joseph Picture Books (Set Of 26 Books) Pack

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Author: Lovasik, Rev Lawrence
Publisher: Catholic Book Publishing Corp Pages: 832
Binding: PB books x 26
Code: 300/GS #SPECIALPACK Series: Picture Book

A collection of twenty-six St. Joseph Picture Books, an inspiring and educational series that features many different titles, such as teachings of Jesus and His Church, Saints, Our Lady, Sacraments, prayers, Church celebrations and beliefs and practices. Simply written and beautifully illustrated in full colour, these books--ideal for home or school--will help children to better understand the Catholic Faith.

Great value!!

Also available: Packs of 10 or 20 St. Joseph picture books at special prices. Can be shrink wrapped for easy gift giving.  Seasonal/special occasion titles can be included if available.

Contact our Sales Department on 02 9394 3400.