St John XXIII and St John Paul II - Prayer Book

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Author: Bogle, Joanna Year: 2014
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK Pages: 64
Binding: A6 Paperback
Code: D774
Dimension: 105 x 148

Praying with these two new saints being canonised in April 2014.

We have new friends in heaven. John and John Paul were men of deep prayer, with a message about prayer and the spiritual life which can be learned and shared.This new prayer book helps and encourages the faithful to seek the intercession of these two new
saints and to thus grow in their own prayer, holiness and virtue.

• Contains a spiritual biography of both saints.
• Includes prayers to them, prayers they themselves
used and prayers on themes close to their hearts.
• Includes devotions and prayers to saints they loved.
• Includes prayer written by them.
• Contains help on how to pray.

Joanna Bogle is an author, broadcaster and journalist, whose books include several historical biographies. Her latest is a life of Blessed John Paul for children.