Saint Nicholas of Tolentino: Patron of the Holy Souls

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Author: Di Gregorio, OSA, Michael F. Year: 2004
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 69
Binding: Hardcover
Code: 0954-4
Dimension: 109 x 179

"A joy to those who were sad, a consolation to those who were suffering, peace to those who were at odds with one another, refreshment to those who were weary from their daily toil, support for those who were poor and a healing balm for those who found themselves in prison.” This is the way a fellow religious described the ministry of St. Nicholas of Tolentino. Thanks to Pope Leo XIII who gave him the title in 1884, we remember him today, though, principally as the special patron saint of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Who was this holy pioneer in the Order of Saint Augustine so often confused with his namesake, St. Nicholas of Myra (or Bari) — Santa Claus? What was his relationship with another very popular saint, St. Rita of Cascia? How did the custom of blessing and distributing the “Bread of St. Nicholas” on his feast day come into being? And how did he become the patron saint of the Holy Souls in Purgatory? These and many other questions are answered in this fascinating little biography of a saint whose feast is celebrated by the Augustinian Family throughout the world on September 10th each year.


About the Author: Rector of the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia in Philadelphia and author of The Precious Pearl: The Story of Saint Rita of Cascia (Alba House, 2003), Father Michael Di Gregorio, OSA was ordained to the priesthood in the Order of Saint Augustine in 1973. Following nineteen years in parish ministry, he served for a period as the director of social communications for his Order in Rome and subsequently worked with the Augustinian Secular Movement. Having done advanced studies in Augustinian Spirituality, he has collaborated on several books on Augustinian themes and the saints of his Order. This is his second book for Alba House.