Saint Mary's Press Essential Quick Charts

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Bible People

Author: Danesco, Lee
Publisher: Saint Mary's Press Pages: 0
Binding: Special
Code: 4343 Series: 6.25
Saint Mary's Press Essential Quick Chart: Bible People provides an overview of thirty-three key people in the Bible. From Adam and Eve in the Old Testament to Priscilla and Aquilla of the New Testament, this quick chart on Bible People shows how their lives point to or radiate from Jesus, the epicenter of salvation history. Bible people included on this quick chart: Aaron Abraham and Sarah Adam and Eve Apostles David Elijah and Elisha Ezekiel Ezra and Nehemiah Hezekiah Isaiah Jacob Jeremiah Jesus John the Baptist Joshua Josiah the Maccabees Mary Magdalene Mary of Nazareth Moses Paul Peter Priscilla and Aquila Ruth Samson Samuel Saul Solomon