Rainbow of Peace, A

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A Father's Quest for Meaning on an Unexplained Death of His Son

Author: Smith, Richard and Christina Year: 2004
Publisher: St Pauls Manila Philippines Pages: 30
Binding: PB Booklet
Richard Smith is a business consultant who initially started in the fitness industry back in the mid-80’s a graduate of De La Salle University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, hew pioneered personal fitness training in the country and wrote a regular column “the fitness edge” in the Manila Chronicle in the late 80’s. He has been a consultant and contributor to fitness establishment in both Australia and USA in the late 90’2. His considerable background in managing various other service oriented business has given him the base to provide advice to other companies in unrelated fields such as manpower and even the resource recycling industry in the past and he has met with local bishops at one point to promote paper recycling on parish level in Manila. An endeavor fondly referred to as involvement in “environment fitness.”

CRISTINA SMITH is a authorized translator and Italian language teacher for the Philippines Italian Association. She too is a graduate of De LA Salle University and holds a bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies. She is currently expecting their fourth child. Cristina and her husband discovered this latest blessing form our infinitely loving God just about one week before Kevin’s first death anniversary. They both perceive this as another sign of our Lord’s unfailing faithfulness to his covenant with them in their marriage of almost 10 years at the time of his writing.