Praying the Sunday Psalms

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Author: Goonan, Michael Year: 2001
Publisher: St Pauls Publications Australi Pages: 208
Binding: Paperback
Code: 9781876295417

Authored by St Pauls Publications' (Australia) Fr Michael Goonan.

About this Book:

The Responsorial Psalm is a precious, though often neglected part of the Liturgy of the Word. The reflections in this book draw out the riches of the psalm verses set down for each of the Sundays of the three cycles — A, B, and C — and consider the other readings in the light of the psalm. This book will assist preachers looking for a fresh approach to the Sunday readings and all who wish to enter prayerfully into the spirit of the Sunday liturgy and find nourishment therein for their daily lives.

About the Author:

Michael Goonan, SSP, a Pauline priest, currently serves as the congregational leader of the Society of St. Paul in Australia. With degrees in journalism, theology, Christian spirituality, and experience in religious formation and publishing, he has a special interest in writing on themes in contemporary spirituality. He is the author of the very popular little work entitled The Crucifix that Spoke to St. Francis.