On the Way with Pope Francis: Our Destination: A Renewed Church

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Author: Thornhill, John Year: 2014
Publisher: St Pauls Publications Australia Pages: 80
Binding: Paperback
Series: 176 copies per box

The Second Vatican Council reminded us that we are a pilgrim people, always on the way, continually searching to discover the mystery of God’s designs. As members of the Church, we seek the ‘fullness of life’ that Jesus came to share with us.

In this book, Fr John Thornhill invites us to go on a journey of discovery with Pope Francis, a journey that expresses the vision of Vatican II. The author reveals how the Holy Father leads us to embrace a dynamic, searching faith, expressed through openness to the working of God  in our midst.

He highlights the pastoral approach taken by Pope Francis, and its power to show the way forward to a struggling world. Fr Thornhill helps us to recognise how our understanding of and participation in liturgy are central to the goal of nurturing the sense of ‘missionary discipleship’, so dear to the heart of Pope Francis.


"It seems clear that Pope Francis has put a new spring into the step of the Church…John Thornhill teases out the reflections of the Holy Father, and explains how they are part of the authentic tradition of the Church, and how they are sourced in Vatican II."

 Bishop Gregory O’Kelly SJ