New American Bible (NABRE) Saint Mary's Press Paperback

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Publisher: Saint Mary's Press Pages: 1488
Binding: Paperback
Code: 4136

The New American Bible, Revised Edition represents the work of bilical scholars to translate the Bible into modern English. This translation draws upon recent textual scholarship, reflecting careful consideration of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and contains the fully revised Old Testament and Psalter. The result is a translation suitable for private devotions, careful study, and use in public worship.

Today's Catholic reader will appreciate these features:

  • Careful translation of the original-language texts
  • Introductions and outlines for every book of the Bible
  • 8,000+ study notes prepared by the Catholic-led inter-faith bilbical scholarship team

    Also included is a complete list of readings for
  • Sunday Mass
  • the major feasts of the year
  • the weekday lectionary