Mission of the Redeemer: Redemptoris Missio

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Author: John Paul II, Pope
Publisher: Pauline Books & Media Pages: 0
Binding: Paperback
Series: 180x115

Mission of the Redeemer, an encyclical letter by John Paul II, promulgated on December 7, 1990, addresses the mission which is entrusted to the Church. This mission is still very far from completion. In fact it is still only beginning and we must commit ourselves wholehearted to extending the mission of Christ in the world today. Before the Second Vatican Council we had lost a sense of our primary mission as the Body of Christ. Our participation in that mission needed renewal. All the documents since Vatican II are designed to help us reclaim our missionary identity as a Church and individually. Every person in the Church is called to be a missionary, right where God has placed us.