Love and Responsibility

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Author: Wojtyla, Karol
Publisher: Pauline Books & Media Pages: 400
Binding: Paperback
Code: 819845582
Dimension: 230 x 150

About this Book:

Originally published in Polish in 1960, Love and Responsibility is Karol Wojtyla's groundbreaking book on human love which explains relationships between persons, especially concerning sexual ethics, in the context of human dignity.

This new translation of John Paul II's classic work uses the 2001 version of the text published in Polish, which includes revisions to the original 1960 edition made by Blessed John Paul II himself. Also included is the first English publication of then-Cardinal Wojtyla's article On the Meaning of Spousal Love, in which he continues his reflections on the topic. Translator Grzegorz Ignatik, a native Polish speaker, provides notes that define key terms, including Latin words and phrases. He also supplies comprehensive information on language nuances and major concepts.

Want to learn more about John Paul II's teaching on human love? Visit our Love and Responsibility website.

This work is complementary to Blessed John Paul II's Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body and is a must-read for those interested in understanding his thought more fully. Whether you are a fan of John Paul II, a Theology of the Body enthusiast, a seminarian, a professor, a student, or a reader who enjoys philosophy and theology, you will find this translation to be rich in authenticity and accessibility.

While Love and Responsibility remains a challenging work on many levels, this masterful translation will greatly assist you in understanding Wojtyla's insightful reflections. It will also be a rewarding experience as you are shown how to love responsibly-in your relationships with spouses, family members, friends, companions, and neighbors-attaining love that is truer and more fulfilling.

Features & Benefits: 

Translated by native Polish speaker who was advised by David L. Schindler 

Provides notes with comprehensive information on language nuances 

Defines key terms 

Translates Latin words and phrases 

Includes additional content (article, On the Meaning of Spousal Love )

About the Author:

Born in 1920 to a devout Catholic family in Poland, Karol Wojtyla was ordained a priest in 1946. He carried out an effective pastoral ministry, continued higher studies, and taught at the university level. Ordained a bishop in 1958, he fearlessly confronted the communist authorities in Poland. He took part in the Second Vatican Council and implemented the Council's reforms at home. After being elected Pope on October 16, 1978, he led the Church for the next twenty-six years in a remarkable and memorable way.

Throughout his priesthood Karol Wojtyla was keenly concerned about the problems and possibilities of married love and family life. In Love and Responsibility, he wrote about the human person as being called to love and thus enabled to find happiness and fulfillment in the gift of oneself.