How I Stayed Catholic at Harvard

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40 Tips for Faithful College Students

Author: Griffin, Aurora Year: 2016
Publisher: Ignatius Press Pages: 184
Binding: Paperback
Code: SCH-P
Dimension: 133 x 203

A Harvard graduate, Rhodes Scholar, and devout Catholic tells you everything you need to know about keeping your faith at a modern university. Drawing on her recent experience, Aurora Griffin shares forty practical tips relating to academics, community, prayer, and service that helped her stay Catholic in college.

She reminds us that keeping the faith is a conscious decision, reinforced by commitment to daily practices. Aurora’s story illustrates that when you decide your faith matters to you, no one can take it away, even in the most secular environments and under strong peer pressure. Throughout the book, she shows how being Catholic in college did not prevent her from having a full “college experience,” but actually enabled her to make the most of her time at Harvard.

Aurora encourages students who are about to begin this formative journey, or those now in college, that the most valuable parts of college life -- lasting friendships, intellectual growth, and cherished memories -- are experienced in a more meaningful way when lived in and through the Catholic faith.


"The best way to keep your faith, at any college, is to read this book."
— Peter Kreeft, Ph.D, Professor of Philosophy, Boston College

"Those who go to college without a plan are likely to lose the greatest legacy their parents have given them. Aurora Griffin has given us that plan. And if it can work at Harvard, it can work anywhere. This book is an answer to many, many prayers."
— Scott Hahn, Ph.D, Author, Rome Sweet Home

"Pure gold. In her warm, but practical style, Miss Griffin makes every one of her forty points crystal-clear and down to earth. She shows how a living faith is not a tablet of beliefs and commands, but  a more joyful life to be lived. She gets it."
— Michael Novak, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

"Miss Griffin engages her readers, not as an advisor who knows all, but as a peer who has just experienced college as a faithful Catholic. She insists on the importance of community and friendship in walking with Christ, as well as personal engagement with Scripture and the Sacraments. This book is a shining example of what the next generation of leaders can do to further the work of the new evangelization. Please read this book and join her."

— Curtis Martin, President, FOCUS

"Thomas Aquinas tells us that bearing witness to one's Catholic faith is among the greatest mercies a person can offer others. Aurora Griffin has discovered that mercy and sought to live it with verve and intelligence. Her book is a witness and gift to those who seek to bring the light of Christ to their secular contemporaries." 
— Fr. Thomas Joseph White, OP, Director of the Thomistic Institute Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C.

"Any Catholic—and I mean any Catholic—who has a child in college, or soon entering, should give them this book. A Harvard graduate and Rhodes Scholar, Aurora Griffin has been through the fire and produced a powerful witness to the saving truth of Catholic faith—even in the modern university. In a few years' time, your child will thank you for helping them to remain and grow in the truth that sets us free."
— Samuel Gregg,Research Director, Acton Institute

Author Bio:

Aurora Catherine Griffin attended Harvard University, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a degree in Classics in 2014. There she served as President of the Catholic Student Association. She was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford University, where she received a graduate degree in Theology.