Highlights of the Catholic Faith

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Author: Peter V. Armenio Year: 2022
Publisher: Midwest Theological Forum Pages: 476
Binding: Paperback
Code: 39847
Not simply another book on the Catholic faith...
"My hope is that this presentation, in addition to offering a summary of the teachings of the Catechism, will aid people in understanding that the tenets of the Catholic faith, which are the teachings of Christ, are not simply meant to be learned like an academic discipline.  Rather, the elaboration of these truths is designed to help us deepen our friendship with Christ and follow Him more closely.   
These truths have a profound impact on how we live, which in turn pave the way to a more humane, just society. The answers to the big questions — Where do we come from? What is our purpose? Where will we go in the end? — form and shape who we are and how we live. The answers can only be found in the love of God, and revealed in the heart of Jesus Christ.    
I further hope that, the reader will be inspired to evangelize, through a deeper understanding and appreciation of the inexhaustible riches of Jesus Christ. For this reason, this book is aimed at lay Catholics because they are presently called to carry the lion’s share of teaching the Gospel message to others. Amid a general loss of Christian culture and ethos, it is urgent that the lay faithful are doctrinally prepared to effectively contribute to a broader knowledge of the Catholic faith starting with family, friends, and colleagues. Today’s lay Catholics are called to give an encore of what their first-century Christian brothers and sisters accomplished."
– Rev. Peter V. Armenio