God Delights In You: An Introduction to Gospel Spirituality

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Author: Catoir, Fr. John T.
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 171
Binding: Paperback

Many of us find it easy to think of God as quickly offended and eager to punish. Yet that's not the God revealed to us in Jesus. By word and example, He introduced us to a God of love, compassion and great joy, to a Father who takes delight in all His children. Our sins, our failures, our crosses do not limit His capacity or desire to see us grow in His love and thus find perfect happiness. The testimonies cited herein, of countless men and women who have experienced this fact first hand, only serve to corroborate the main thrust of this heart-warming book: God delights in you!


About the Author: Former Director of The Christophers, and President of the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada, Father John T. Catoir is the Founder and Director of St. Jude’s Media Ministries providing public service announcements to the media featuring the good news of the Gospel. Widely known for his syndicated television programs and newspaper columns, he is likewise the author of several very popular titles published by Alba House: Enjoy the Lord (1989), Dios Se Complace en Ti (1992), Vamos a Orar (1991), World Religions (1992), Where Do You Stand With the Church? (1996), The Stations of the Cross for the New Millennium (2001), and Enjoy Your Precious Life (2002).