Gift of the Unicorn, The

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Author: Smith, Richard Roxas Year: 2011
Publisher: St Pauls Manila Philippines Pages: 47
Binding: Paperback
Dimension: 220 x 170
From the mists of time, and pages well worn steps the wondrous and magical unicorn! When computers and robots fail miserably, the majestic unicorn succeeds brilliantly, to impart a tale noble and true, there´s much to learn for me and you. So open this book, do not delay, for adventure awaits you, this very day...


"Dear Parents, I decided to resort to "ancient rhyme" in telling this tale to give our kids a glimpse of how stories once were spun, and to show them how the poem once weaved its magic.

I dedicate this story to all parents looking for meaningful reading for their children..

Here's hoping this little book helps fill even a small portion of that need, and I pray you and your children will enjoy many happy "Aha!" moments together reading it".

Richard Roxas Smith

Click here for sample image of inside of book.