First Addresses of Pope Francis
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Year: 2013 | |
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK | Pages: 105 |
Binding: A6 Paperback | |
Code: Do879 | |
Dimension: 105 x 148 |
From the day of his election on 13th March until Easter Sunday this year, Pope Francis engaged in a whirlwind three weeks that included addresses at many of the most important liturgical, ceremonial and media events in the life of the Catholic Church.
In his first addresses, reproduced here in their entirety, Pope Francis has immediately set a tone of profound simplicity and humility for his pontificate.
Containing homilies, speeches given to other Church bodies and the media, this booklet shows a man of deep love for Christ, his Church and the world.
The addresses are prefaced by an account of the conclave and a brief biography of Pope Francis written by Peter Jennings, a leading Catholic journalist.
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