Fire of Love

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A Historical Novel About Saint John Of The Cross

Author: Olaizola, Jose Luis
Publisher: Ignatius Press Pages: 217
Binding: Paperback
Code: LSJC-P

This historical novel paints a striking portrait of one of the most revered saints in history, in a landscape that makes the life and times of John of the Cross relevant to our own age. Here is an extraordinary adventure that explores the thorny challenges that every soul must face: avoiding the trappings of this world that lead to darkness, and embracing the radiance of the fire of Divine Love. Having performed the life of this great saint as an actor, I found Jose Luis Olaizola's portrayal very true to the passion and dramatic intensity of this great mystic. Fire of Love rekindled in me the fire ignited by Saint John of the Cross in his poetic plea, 'Love Him intensely, as He deserves to be loved.' May all who read this literary work examine their own souls profoundly, in order to have the greatest of all adventures - finding God Himself