Desire and Delight: Intimacy with God through the Scriptures

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Author: Taylerson, Fr Robert Year: 2013
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK Pages: 56
Binding: A6 Paperback
Code: SP40 Series: Deeper Christianity
Dimension: 105 x 148

How the Bible reveals our desire for God and his desire for us.

Christianity is sometimes presented as a very glum affair, and the saints as killjoy ascetics who renounce all pleasure for the sake of virtue.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Union with God gives happiness and delight, and God wills only our joy.

This book examines the joys and pleasures of the Christian life through the Song of Songs and the Psalms.

These two ancient books, contain some of the most poetic and gorgeous imagery of the whole bible, and are simply explained in this text.

About the author

Fr Taylerson is a parish priest in Trent Vale, Stokeon- Trent, in the archdiocese of Birmingham, and a tutor involved with formation of permanent deacons at Oscott College.