Deeper Than Words: Living the Apostles' Creed

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Author: Steindl-Rast, David Year: 2010
Publisher: Doubleday Religious Pages: 175
Binding: Trade PB
Series: IMAGE

Spiritual teacher & bridge-builder Brother David Steindl-Rast translates the Apostles' Creed for today, uncovering deeper universal truths that can be an inspiration to all people.

In Deeper than Words: Living the Apostles' Creed, Brother David reexamines the words with which the early followers of Jesus summarized their faith. Reading line-by-line with an open perspective, he reveals the often overlooked message of trust, compassion, peace, love, and awareness contained in this widely known but rarely examined statement.

Deeper than Words moves beyond ritual and exclusivity and instead finds a deeper faith based in real human experience and the sense of limitless belonging that is shared by all people who seek to understand themselves and the world. The words are Christian, but its heart is a universal and timeless guide to fullness of life. From this transformation perspective, developed over a lifetime of contemplation, Br. David presents a powerful call to renewal through reconnection with the spiritual & a reawakening to shared sacred truths