Day by Ordinary Day, Volume 5 (Year 2)

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Daily Reflections on the First Readings, Year 2

Author: Boyer, Rev Mark G Year: 2011
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 549
Binding: Paperback
Dimension: 210 x 140

This book consists of: 1. A brief title for each of the reflections given along with a biblical notation indicating the source of the thoughts to follow; 2. A few short verses of Scripture taken from the first reading provided in the Lectionary for the Mass of the day; 3. A reflective study of the passage chosen including some valuable background and contextual information concerning the reading; 4. A question for personal meditation that can serve as a guide for the personal appropriation of the message. Homilists will find in these a basis for their sermons or brief homilies; 5. A prayer summarizing the original theme that was studied in the preceding material. This prayer can also be used as a fitting conclusion to the General Intercessions or Prayer of the Faithful during Mass. The present volume will also be useful to individuals for private prayer and study as well as by priests in their preparation for the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.