Companion to Praying with the Bible

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Listening and Welcoming God's Word leads us to prayer

Author: Mattam SDB, Fr Z Year: 2008
Publisher: Catholic Truth Society UK Pages: 80
Binding: A6 Paperback
Code: DO655 Series: Companions
Dimension: 105 x 148

For many the Bible remains a closed book, inaccessible, difficult to understand or study. In this Companion, Fr Mattam opens up a whole range of possibilities. The Bible, he says, is not meant to be dissected rationally, but is a book to be approached with reverence and humility, and listened to with humble gratitude for through it God calls us to a deep personal relationship with him. Using the Bible, this Companion teaches us to pray the Psalms, the Our Father, the Prayer of the Heart. Above all it shows us how to Read, Meditate, Pray, Contemplate, Scrutinise and Study the Scriptures.