Catholic Voices

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Putting the Case for the Church in the Era of 24-Hour News

Author: Griffin, Kathleen
Publisher: Darton Longman & Todd Pages: 263
Binding: Paperback

Catholic Voices is a new sort of apologetics. It is based on the briefings by media experts that equipped the team of ordinary Catholics whose presence in the media helped make the visit of Pope Benedict to the UK in September 2010 such an extraordinary PR success for the Church, against all expectations. But Catholic Voices not only prepares the reader for media interviews but to be ready to defend their faith from attack by friends or colleagues at work. It combines arguments and facts with practical media skills, hearing the 'question behind the question' and listening for the 'positive intention' behind the criticisms. It gives insider tips on how to present arguments clearly, compellingly and concisely in a quick-fire atmosphere. It is aimed not just at those speaking into a microphone, but at the parish priest, pastoral assistant, catechist, teacher, student - every Catholic who is willing to answer questions on topics in the news and give 'the reasons for what we believe'.