Buetow 3 Volume Weekday Set

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Author: Buetow, Rev Harold A.
Publisher: Alba House New York Pages: 1063
Binding: Set of 3

Homilists today face many challenges. Their congregations consist of old and young, rich and poor, educated and not so well educated. There are young college students who are tired of homilies that are too elementary and say nothing worthwhile to the problems that they face. There are others who feel that they are spiritually deprived by homilies that are too bland. And there are still others who are looking for some insights into the secular world in which they live and which has no time for church or the things of God. Preaching, of course, is everybody’s job but it is principally the responsibility of the priest or deacon who is presiding at the liturgy.


These three volumes of homilies for the weekdays of Ordinary Time are an invaluable resource for them. Thirst For Life Vol. 1 focuses on Mark, The New Out of the Old Vol. 2 on Matthew, and Rejoicing in HopeVol. 3 on Luke.



About the Author: The author of a book of Pastoral Talks for Special Occasion (Alba House, 1994) and a highly-acclaimed trilogy of reflections on the Readings for the Sundays and Holy Days of the Liturgical Year (Alba House, 1997): God Still Speaks: Listen! (Cycle A), All Things Made New (Cycle B), and Ode to Joy (Cycle C), Harold A. Buetow, PhD, JD is a priest from the Diocese of Brooklyn who spent thirty years at Catholic University where he taught and was Senior Staff Editor onThe New Catholic Encyclopedia.


His present trilogy of Meditations / Homilies for the Weekdays of the Year includes, besidesThirst for Life (Weeks 1 through 9), The New Out of the Old (Weeks 10 through 21), and Rejoicing in Hope (Weeks 22 through 34 of Ordinary Time).



3 volumes 1063 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8189-0933-7