Bad Girls of the Bible

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and What We Can Learn From Them

Author: Higgs, Liz Curtis Year: 2013
Publisher: Random House Pages: 288
Binding: Paperback
Code: 307731979

“Popular storyteller Higgs takes a look at the vamps and tramps of the Bible, searching for the lessons these wicked women have to teach. Higgs retells these biblical stories with rollicking humor and deep insight as she teaches about the nature of sin and goodness.”- Publishers Weekly

Ten of the Bible's best-known femmes fatales parade across the pages of Bad Girls of the Bible with situations that sound oh-so-familiar.

Eve had food issues. Potiphar's wife and Delilah had man trouble. Lot's wife and Michal couldn't let go of the past, Sapphira couldn't let go of money, and Jezebel couldn't let go of anything. Yet the woman at the well had her thirst quenched at last, while Rahab and the Sinful woman left their sordid histories behind.

Let these Bad Girls show you why studying the Bible has never been more fun!
“When she was perfect, beautiful, and innocent, I found no toehold where I could connect with Eve. When she was tempted by her flesh, humbled by her sin, and redeemed by her God, I could sing out, ‘Oh, sister Eve! Can we talk?’”- from the Bad Girls of the Bible