Above Help: The Intercessions

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A Saint in Creation, a Nation Built, a Culture Established

Author: Hobbins, Tom Year: 2011
Publisher: Sid Harta Publishers Pages: 584
Binding: Paperback


Most early Australians sought a life in coastal towns where only the wealthy indulged in business operations. The larger towns became havens for criminals and large numbers took to drink and reckless behaviour abounded in the community. Organisations from Britain offered assistance and identities such as Caroline Chisholm assisted women in despair and emigrants in general were helped by her. Blessed Mary MacKillop and the Josephite Order featured outstandingly in their help of poor and underprivileged in society.

Poverty was rife and often jobs were short at times, adding to an already depressed situation. Those who looked to the rural areas found both squatters and other potential buyers, vying through both fair and foul means to obtain the best and larger blocks of land. It was generally seen by outsiders as a land divided.

Discover how and why certain individuals, educators and helpers of the poor were found to be among the instigators for a better cultural Australia during the 19th century.

When reading story of youth of Australia going off to war reader may be swept up in emotion and apprehension that was also felt by the troops. Australians went to war twice in first half of 20th century: their story is contained in four chapters of this book.
Australians would take with them knowledge of right from wrong, caring for a mate while also carrying with them the basic ideals and customs that set Australians apart from others on the battlefield. These were the same men who emerged victorious in both World Wars, becoming the forefathers of this great Nation. Those who gave the supreme sacrifice will always be remembered by a thankful Australian people.
Discover also the many revelations and comments concerning Culture in Australia. Examine some predictions offered over four years ago: some have recently come to pass and further predictions are pending.